Sex and Dating
We have Special Speaker Tonight (Feb 6) at 7:00 pm at the
South Campus Classroom Building Room 222
Click here for directions.

Want a ride from North Campus or University Meadows? Click here!

Sarah will share ideas from the Bible about dating that have changed her life and enriched her marriage.

Tonight we will hear about the following:
  • Ever felt that you don’t understand your boyfriend/girlfriend completely? 
  • Dealing with an attachment to a past partner?
  • Does God really care about my dating life? 
  • Does the Bible have anything to say relating to dating? 
  • Is there a better way to date without getting hurt? 

Don’t miss out! 

This could potentially change your life!   

Sarah will be sharing today (Feb 6th)
Sarah and her husband, Rakesh, married 3 months, 18 days

About Sarah
 I’m originally from Danville, Illinois 
I love internationals, running, chocolate, Starbucks, my husband and (most importantly) Jesus.  I graduated from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale with a degree in Psychology. During my sophomore year of college my life dramatically changed! I will share more about that later.

After graduation, I worked with Chi Alpha in Carbondale as a volunteer and then as an intern. Later, I transferred to the University of Arizona Chi Alpha located in Tucson where I had the privilege of meeting internationals from all over the world.

After meeting the love of my life (Rakesh from Hyderabad, India) we got married and moved to St Louis.

After moving to St Louis I started serving on staff with Chi Alpha at the University of MO--St Louis.